Welcome to Mendrisiotto, the southernmost region of Switzerland, famous for its food and wine culture and the production of quality wines. We invite you to live a unique experience: a guided bicycle tour through the Mendrisiotto hills, with a visit to three wineries and a tasting of at least ten local wines, accompanied by local delicacies. Mendrisiotto is the most vineyard region of Ticino, thanks to its unique Terroir which offers perfect conditions for the production of excellent wines. During the food and wine ride, you will have the opportunity to get to know the winemakers personally and discover the passion they put into their work. The route is suitable for everyone and will take you through the vineyards and landscapes of the Mendrisiotto. The tour lasts half a day and starts from the Fumagalli Winery. During the ride, our flaming red bicycles will give you an unforgettable, fun and authentic experience. The offer is available from April to October, a period in which the climate is perfect for enjoying a ride in the open air and discovering the Momò Terroir. Don't miss the opportunity to get to know this fascinating region and to spend a nice day in the heart of Mendrisiotto. Are you ready to go?


Choose your date: *
  • Saturday, June 8, 2024
  • Saturday, June 22, 2024
  • Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • Saturday, July 27, 2024
  • Saturday, August 10, 2024
  • Saturday, August 24, 2024
  • Saturday, September 7, 2024
  • Saturday, September 21, 2024
  • Saturday, October 5, 2024
  • Saturday, October 19, 2024
  • Saturday, November 9, 2024
  • buy gift voucher

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  • Difficoltà: facile
  • Orario di ritrovo: 14:00
  • Durata: 5h circa 
  • Distanza: 5 km (in discesa)
  • Partecipanti: min. 6 - max. 30
  • Punto di partenza: Mendrisiottoterroir c/o Borgovecchio SA, Via Sottobisio 5, 6828 Balerna
  • Come arrivare: Borgovecchio SA raggiungibile in treno/stazione Balerna o in auto/ampio parcheggio disponibile
  • Incluso: guida esperta, bicicletta dell'Atelier Ri-Cicletta, casco, visita a 3 cantine, degustazione di almeno 10 vini della regione accompagnati da prelibatezze del Mendrisiotto, 1 bottiglietta d'acqua
  • In caso di maltempo: il tour può essere effettuato anche in minibus o rimandato ad altra data
  • Su richiesta: è possibile organizzare il tour al difuori dalle date proposte, con anticipo di 2 settimane, min. di 6 partecipanti